What is the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work (COPASST)?
It is a team that is in charge of promoting and monitoring the rules and regulations of Occupational Safety and Health within the Fundación Gimnasio Moderno through promotional, informative and disclosure activities.
COPASST is also in charge of promoting healthy practices and motivating the acquisition of safe habits in all areas of the School, and it also represents one of the many communication channels that exist between workers and the employer.
It is called Joint because it is made up of the same number of people representing the employer and the workers.
Members of the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work are elected for two-year terms and may be re-elected. The representatives on the part of the employer are chosen by the legal representative and those on the part of the workers are chosen by the workers through secret vote.
To know the guidelines for the formation of the Joint Committee on Safety and Health at Work (COPASST) of the Fundación Gimnasio Moderno, its functions and responsibilities, check the following regulations.
Likewise, the Fundación Gimnasio Moderno defined the following communication channel in order to allow workers to express ideas, suggestions or concerns about Occupational Safety and Health through the mail copasst@english.gimnasiomoderno.edu.co or using the suggestion boxes or with a member of the Committee.
Meet the representatives for the period 2019 – 2021.