The Gimnasio Moderno presents to the entire school community the Code of Ethics, which aims to explain with precision and clarity the principles, values, beliefs, and processes that generate trust and transparency in the actions of all collaborators.
In addition to pointing out the rules, which, through the discipline of trust, regulate and prevent unwanted behaviors in people, improving coexistence among all. This code also clarifies and remembers what the Guiding Principles are, so that the entire community manages an aligned language, which makes us unique.
The Code of Ethics is aimed to parents, teachers, but especially is aimed at administrative collaborators, managers, members of government bodies, suppliers, and external clients. Also, to the alumni who visit our campus.
The construction of this document was participatory in nature. All levels of the community, from the exercise of the Flight to the Bicentennial, intervened. In the same way, it was built with the integrating documents such as the Institutional Educational Project PEI, the Coexistence Manual, the Development Plan, and the Alignment Exercise of the Superior Council.