This year, as it is traditionally made, the members of the Band 2020 chose through virtual votes, the Major Drum and each of the heads of the musical instruments: bass drums, lyre, trumpets, kettledrum, drums and cymbals.
The election day was held on Thursday, June 18. The band members met through a virtual platform, where they listened to the speeches and proposals of the aspiring students to be leaders of the Band 2021.
The candidates then answered a round of questions asked by their peers and former leaders. At 5:00 p.m., after listening to all the applicants, the members proceeded to exercise their right to vote virtually, through a platform that was enabled by the department of Computing.
The students chosen were as follows:
Major Drum:
Nicolás Camelo of 10A
Head of Trumpets:
Juan Esteban Romero of 10B
Head of Barrels:
Nicolás Marquez Verner of Tenth B
Head of Drums:
Juan Camilo Carvajal of Tenth B
Head of Lyre:
Camilo Vargas Arrázola of Tenth B
Head of Kettledrums:
Fernando Pardo of Tenth B
Head of Bass Drums:
José Daniel Cardenas of Tenth C
Head of Cymbals:
Alejandro Lorenzo Posse of Sixth C
The Gimnasio’s community congratulates the elected students and wishes them the best in the development of their work during 2021.