235 students participated in the voting day to elect the school’s student representative and lobbyist. At the close of the polls, the votes were counted digitally, giving as winner the student of Elevent a, Esteban García Quintero, who wo with 102 votes.
The Eleventh B candidate, Martin Gonzalez Naranjo, obtained 91 votes and the blank vote reached 42 votes.
Likewise, the Eleventh A student, Samuel Sastoque Martínez, was elected as the new councilor with 112 votes. The candidate for Eighth Grade B, Jerónimo Yepes Ortiz, obtained 63 votes and the blank vote reached 42 votes.
For Gimnasio Moderno the participation of students in the election exercises for the representative of Personero and lobbyist is fundamental, we invite students to participate in greater numbers; remember that the vote gives us the opportunity to choose the person who best represents our needs and preferences, so that he/she can also defend our interests.
We congratulate the new Personero and the new Cabildante of the students, we wish them success in their functions because they will be the voice of all their classmates