10 years ago, Adriana Sarmiento, a chemist by profession and heart, came to the Gimnasio Moderno to guide her students on the paths of science. As a teacher at the Active School, she always went further; she knew how to put into practice the formulas and the exact sciences to make multiple recipes and understand not only chemical reactions but life itself. In recent months, she received messages of encouragement from her students, alumni, colleagues and parents, but above all, she received messages of thanks for the life lessons received. Despite a relentless illness, Adriana did not stop walking forward, smiling, loving and thanking.
As a chemistry teacher, tutor, group director, and friend, she was always proud of her students, who were her children in a certain way. Adriana was a great example of courage and love for life, a tireless, dedicated and loving warrior.
The entire community of the Gimnasio Moderno mourns the death of the teacher Adriana Sarmiento. A teacher of teachers, who taught from temperance and nobility, the courage to always live with a smile and with the dignity of having done the right thing. The school sends its deepest condolences to family members, teacher colleagues, and friends.
The teacher Pompilio Iriarte, dedicated these beautiful words to Adriana:
“The master class of Adriana Sarmiento
Un bel morir tutta una vita onora.
A beautiful death honors a lifetime.
Francesco Petrarca.
They say that our friend has died.
That “has died” sums up the beauty
of the final lesson, the one that inaugurates
so alive its teaching. It is not so true
that our surrender to death can be
attributed to impudence. The surprise
of the bel death with art and beauty
put us to give time to the news
of the little one who waits for the teacher,
well, you want to hear the class about the man
that Adriana with love has prepared.
Her pedagogical art shows us
how to call death by name
and save what she has already bequeathed to us.”
Ángel Marcel