Upon graduating from high school in 2017, Mateo Peña Henao entered to study Business Administration at CESA. There, he professionally strengthened his passion for business and finance.
Thanks to Gimnasio Moderno, he was able to form his character, developed empathy for others, strengthened his social skills and, from school, always demonstrated his desire to learn every day. These strengths led him to become a Financial Mathematics Monitor and, later, to be part of the first generation of the CESA Investment Club for a year, until he became the director of Capital Markets.
He has participated in different trading activities, development of social networks and strategic consulting contests. This experience led him to be awarded in the trading contest of Constructora Colpatria.
Last year, he had the opportunity to be a monitor of the financial laboratory of CESA, leading courses on Bloomberg, Stock Market and Trading.
He recently joined the consulting firm Arthur D. Little to perform his business practices and, for now, his purpose there is to grow and become known as a great consultant.
He plans to pursue a master’s degree at one of the best business schools in the world and to materialize some business ideas.
Mateo is a student who is succeeding and already has a promising future in the business world.