The Gimnasio Moderno pays tribute to four collaborators who gave their best to the all the community of the institution and gave their hearts. Dora Ossa, Preschool teacher; Flor Acevedo, Commissary operator; Olga Rivera, administrative assistant of the Pool and Iván Calvo, security officer, they will now enjoy their retirement together with their families.
Dora Ossa – Kindergarden Teacher
Iván Calvo – Security Rover
Although these great collaborators will leave a great void on campus, they will always be remembered because they have left great teachings for everyone and the years they have shared with the community of the School have been wonderful.
Flor Acevedo – Economato Operator
Olga Rivera – Pool Administrative Assistant
The Institution thanks to them for being honest, responsible and dedicated collaborators not only with the students but also with their families. The school and its directors wish you much prosperity and happiness in this new stage that has been the result of the long road that they have traveled.
Fair Winds and Following Seas!