“We are all aware that the library is not an adornment of the school, nor a book warehouse, but a living treasure of knowledge where each book stores a special message. These works are an incentive for research and study.
We are committed to create in our disciples the habit of reading, because we know that if it is not taken affection to it during the youth age, it will be pretty difficult to awake this hobby later.
However, if it is stimulated and encouraged at an early age, the books will be the companions and friends of the entire life, they will help us to love the thinking of others and expand our world.
The old school used the book in a wrong way to the point that it was pejoratively called “bookish teaching” which was done through texts to be learned by heart. But the term should already be out of effect or take another sense, because the book – used intelligently of course – will remain the ultimate vehicle of culture, the instrument that will serve to fine-tune and enrich intelligence.”
One School 1966
The Founders’ Library
The Founders Library is a resource center, a multidisciplinary classroom that can be visited by all members of the community, from students and teachers, to administrative, parents and graduated students to find bibliographic support with which to prepare classes, do research, complement assignments, do recreational reading and support family reading. In short, our Library serves to inform, train and recreate readers.
The Library has a detailed selection of both bibliographic and audiovisual material which adds up to more than ten thousand copies; the collection consists of informational material, referenced material, general material, literary material and a great pedagogical collection.