This year, the Closing Session was held face-to-face again. In this ceremony, the Gimnasio Moderno presented the three individual awards and the only collective recognition, to the students who stood out the most during the 2021 school year.
The following is the summary of the award minutes of the Board of Professors, in which the names for each of the awards were defined:
Cup of Personal effort
With the Cup of Personal Effort, the School recognizes the student who, making use of the full performance of their duties, perseverance, discipline in his actions and the achievement of school and personal achievements, has made important progress in their academic process and formative. This award also values that the student has shared their achievements and is projected as an example of improvement and simplicity.
After a long debate, the Board of Teachers of the Preschool section decided to choose as the recipient of this recognition Jacobo Rodríguez Ardila, from the Montessori 2B course.
Regarding Elementary, the teachers gave the Personal Effort Cup to the student Juan Martín Barreto Pérez, from the Second A Decroly course.
Plaque of the Beautiful Character
The Plaque of Beautiful Character recognizes the student who is distinguished by respect for human dignity, as well as by their kind treatment with others. This conviction is the result of self-knowledge and formation of their autonomy. The nobility of this character leads the student to live with chivalry and simplicity; frankly and without hypocrisy; with a desire to serve but without falling into servility; with tolerance, but without giving up leadership; with a sense of companionship, but away from all complicity and with a multifaceted spirit, but clear in its principles. Detached from all desire for leadership, but proud of himself.
The Board of Preschool Teachers decided to present this recognition to José Trujillo Mejía, from the Montessori 2B course.
The Elementary teachers recognized with the Plaque of the Beautiful Character student Manuel Franco Osuna, from the Fourth C Decroly course.
Hiking Badge
With this award, the school wants to highlight the right balance between physical qualities and spirit that should distinguish the good excursionist. A happy, enthusiastic, supportive and adventurous spirit, which is reflected in the close dialogue that the student establishes with the environment, with his peers and with his teachers. All these qualities of the student flourish in the pines of the School and come to life, particularly, on excursions, when faced with situations that demand the greatest care and the highest responsibility, and that only a character formed in temperance and nobility, can prudently circumvent.
The Board of Preschool Teachers decided to deliver the Hiking Badge to student Esteban Rodríguez Valero, from First C.
The Board of Elementary Teachers recognized the hiking spirit of the student Orlando De La Vega Goyeneche, from the Third A Decroly course.
Fellowship Cup
This award is the recognition of that course that exalts the school spirit and its collective values, such as healthy union, the sense of coexistence, belonging and loyalty. These collective values should have been built based on tolerance, solidarity with the problems of others, respect for unbreakable principles and commitment to common causes.
In the Preschool Section, the Board of Teachers awarded this recognition to the Montessori 2A course, under the orientation of the teacher Andrea Sinisterra.
In the Elementary Section, the Board of Teachers gave this recognition to the Fifth B Decroly course which is under the orientation of the teacher Germán Alarcón and his co-director, the teacher María Carolina Aldana.
The Gimnasio Moderno congratulates all the students who obtained these recognitions and invites them to continue fulfilling their duties, forming their character as good students, who are an example to follow for all.
Similarly, the board of directors recognized those students who, in the Cambridge Exams, achieved a perfect score.
The Closing Ceremony also paid tribute to teacher Betty Chorny de Salah and Chaplain, Father John Roderick.