Roberto Terán Tafur has always been passionate about horses. An accident when he was 6 years old took him away from horseback riding, but thanks to the perseverance and dedication taught to him by his father, Roberto Terán (1964 alumnus), and his uncle, Juan Carlos Tafur, he managed to overcome his fear and return to riding.
With responsibility and discipline he always stood out as a student at Gimnasio Moderno and as a passionate sportsman.
After graduating from high school in 1994, he studied economics at the Universidad de los Andes. Years later, after living in the United States for a period of time, he dedicated himself fully to horseback riding and show jumping.
His days are spent in constancy: training horses, teaching riders and, of course, training as a professional athlete.
Roberto is one of the best young Colombian riders and his biggest dream and goal is to participate in the Olympic Games. Five years ago he had qualified to participate in Rio de Janeiro, but his horse suffered an injury and could not attend.
For more than a year he has been preparing and has been totally focused on achieving his qualification for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which start on July 23, 2021 due to the pandemic.
At 44 years old, Roberto is heading to Japan along with “Dez Ooktoff”, his horse, his work team, to represent and leave Colombia’s name high in the equestrian jumping category.
The entire community sends him the best energy so that his participation fills him with personal and professional satisfaction; and at the same time, leads him to receive a medal in the country of the rising sun.